seven learning modules transform abandoned school courtyard into open-air lab in italy

seven learning modules transform abandoned school courtyard into open-air lab in italy

nine associati and ofl architecture unveil un orto di nome eva


Designed by NINE Associati and OFL Architecture with the PON Edugreen program, UN ORTO DI NOME EVA is a permanent but transformable and expandable installation sited within the courtyard of a school in Italy. A place of creative discovery and stimulation, as well as connection with the local community, it offers hands-on learning opportunities, comprising a systematic set of seven ‘learning by doing’ areas. These, in turn, are made up of a set of independent modules that can be reassembled to transform the long-abandoned space within the Istituto Comprensivo 2 of Sora into an always reconfigurable open-air laboratory.


Among the areas — which deliberately provide a totally analogue experience that potentially could be integrated with digital interactive devices and sensors — some were designed to experience the production of natural macerates; others to experience how to grow plants without using soil; how to reuse organic waste and produce compost; how plants reproduce and which role insects have in the life cycle of plants; with other areas to experience how to reproduce plants besides sowing in the ground, and more.

un orto di nome eva 3
all images by Michele Boccia



analog experiences for plant growth and reproduction


‘The green revolution is not only made up of large sustainable architectures and energy challenges, but also of small and large cultural battles that design can help win, for example in strategic places for the future such as schools,’ shares the design team. As such, NINE Associati and OFL Architecture proposed seven experiences in reference to the sequential agriculture process: sowing; soil preparation, plant germination and transplanting; irrigation; protection from weeds and pests; composting and fertilizing; pollination and reproduction; monitoring and collection. A multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary learning tool which does not teach how to cultivate, UN ORTO DI NOME EVA explores how to develop a sensitivity and practical knowledge of the things of nature.


According to teaching activities, modules can be easily moved into one of the twelve buildings that form the Institute, or into a city square during public events, to allow the school to interact with the city and strengthen the bond with the community. Some modules are provided with an educational ant farm, a sugar solution dispenser to attract and nourish pollinating insects, and a tank to accommodate the chrysalises, enhancing the interactive experience.

un orto di nome eva 2
sited within an abandoned school courtyard in Italy

un orto di nome eva 1
a systematic set of seven ‘learning by doing’ areas create a hands-on learning opportunities

un orto di nome eva 7
modules can be moved into one of the twelve buildings that form the Institute, or into a city square for public events

un orto di nome eva 8
some modules explore how to grow plants without using soil, while others explore how to reuse organic waste

un orto di nome eva 9
designed by NINE Associati and OFL Architecture with the PON Edugreen program





project info:


designer: NINE Associati, OFL Architecture

photography: Michele Boccia



designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: ravail khan | designboom

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