construction of Sabla: the palm-leaf shelters in the Middle East. constructions built of date palm have been in use for around 7,000–8,000 years. sabla: the palm-leaf shelters was conceived as a contemporary, modular grid-shell construction that offers an example of how traditional technologies can be adapted for use today, and scaled up or down to provide for a variety of applications in over 46 countries of the United Arab Emirates | image © Dr Sandra Piesik

Bangladesh METI Handmade School | image © Anna Heringer
happening now! witness how the swedish family-owned company, bolon, is breaking new ground with exciting material inventions, where all their products now contain 68% waste material, and 0% climate impact per square meter.
take a look at the late architect’s most iconic works, including the high desert house in joshua tree and hoshino stone chapel in japan.
connections: +1570
the pavilion, with its large aluminum-coated disc canopy, demonstrates the architect's trademark geometric integration into the natural environment.
connections: +390
the home's complex, latticework facade of earthen tiles integrates over 6,200 discarded plastic toys.
a social advocate of establishing kinship between public and private realms, yamamoto is the 53rd laureate of the pritzker prize.
connections: 29