polysemy versatile piece made of stainless steel encourages creativity and interaction

polysemy versatile piece made of stainless steel encourages creativity and interaction

So Koizumi Designs Multifunctional Polysemy furniture


Polysemy by Tokyo-based designer So Koizumi introduces a design concept centered on the idea of an object having multiple meanings. Unlike conventional items with singular functions, such as chairs or desks, Polysemy, made of stainless steel, is a versatile object that can take on various roles, like transforming into a bookshelf or a side table, all stemming from a single shape. This departure from fixed functionality allows Polysemy to adapt to diverse spaces and situations, granting users flexibility in its use.

polysemy versatile piece made of stainless steel encourages creativity and interaction
all images courtesy of So Koizumi



Adaptable Design stands Beyond Fixed Forms


Unlike traditional designs that prescribe function, Polysemy fosters a more interactive relationship between designers and users. Rather than dictating usage, the design provides rules and margins, encouraging users to engage with the object creatively. So Koizumi‘s approach aims to evoke the user’s imagination actively, resulting in a more considered and nuanced spatial experience.

polysemy versatile piece made of stainless steel encourages creativity and interaction
side table

polysemy versatile piece made of stainless steel encourages creativity and interaction

polysemy versatile piece made of stainless steel encourages creativity and interaction
display shelf

polysemy versatile piece made of stainless steel encourages creativity and interaction
three metal plates bolted together to form Polysemy


the versatile object can take on various roles

polysemy versatile piece made of stainless steel encourages creativity and interaction
change in position allows for various functions

polysemy versatile piece made of stainless steel encourages creativity and interaction
the piece is defined by its minimalist construction


Polysemy is available in three colours—’Black’, ‘Light grey’ and ‘Silver’


project info:


name: Polysemy
designer: So Koizumi | @so_koizumi_design



designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: christina vergopoulou | designboom

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