co-designed by BMW's designworks, sirius jet's hydrogen VTOL aircraft to take flight in 2025

co-designed by BMW's designworks, sirius jet's hydrogen VTOL aircraft to take flight in 2025

Sirius aviation unveils hydrogen-powered VTOL aircraft


Swiss aviation startup Sirius Aviation AG brings out Sirius Jet, the dubbed world’s first hydrogen-powered VTOL aircraft that is co-designed by BMW’s Designworks and Sauber Group. Since it is powered by hydrogen, the VTOL aircraft is poised to produce zero emissions during the entire flight. On January 17th, 2024, Sirius Aviation is set to host an event at Payerne Airport in Switzerland to unveil the aircraft’s groundbreaking Hydrogen-Electric Ducted Fan Propulsion System with the first public inaugural ignition.


Looking far ahead, the Sirius Jet is expected to take flight in 2025 and in two versions: the Sirius Business Jet is tailored to private jet needs while the Sirius Millennium Jet is crafted for commercial aviation. Sirius Jet’s hydrogen-powered VTOL aircraft aims to generate high-performance and zero-emission VTOL flights propelled by a hybrid hydrogen-electric propulsion system.

bmw sirius jet hydrogen powered vtol aircraft
images courtesy of Sirius Aviation AG



BMW’s Designworks and Sauber Group design sirius jet


Exploring the two Sirius Jet’s hydrogen-powered VTOL aircraft by Sirius Aviation, BMW’s Designworks, and Sauber Group, the Sirius Business Jet is catered to up to three passengers while the Sirius Millenium Jet can accommodate up to five passengers. The Business version features a mile-flight range of up to 1,150, a cruise speed of up to 323 miles per hour, an altitude capability of 30,000 feet, and a quiet noise level of 60 dBa.


The Millenium variant may have a reduced mile-flight range offer of 650, but its cruise speed, altitude capacity, and soundproofing remain the same. Sirius Aviation is making sure the aircraft features pressurized cabin and ducted fan design solutions and that the two VTOL airplanes are engineered to reach high altitudes of 30,000 feet and achieve a cruise speed of 600 km/h or 323 mph while producing a reduced noise level at <60 dB, which resembles more or less to the sound of a dishwasher.

bmw sirius jet hydrogen powered vtol aircraft
BMW’s Designworks and Sauber Group co-design Sirius Jet’s hydrogen-powered VTOL aircraft



Leveraging jet aerodynamics of plane and helicopter


For the design of Sirius Jet that Sirius Aviation, BMW’s Designworks, and Sauber Group came up with, the three companies joined forces to adopt the jet aerodynamics of both airplanes and helicopters. The hydrogen-powered VTOL aircraft is set to be equipped with an airframe parachute system which can allow the passengers to be protected from incidents and minimize any accidents, as Sirius Aviation claims. It hopes to improve the passenger’s psychological comfort, especially for those who are worried about flying and facing uncalled incidents. 


Circling back on the hybrid hydrogen-electric propulsion system of Sirius Jet, the VTOL aircraft comes with a fuel tank that can assist the extended flight distances. The combination can allow for a range of up to 1,150 miles, which Sirius Aviation comments can exceed the capabilities of fully electric eVTOLs set at 150 miles, maximum. Along with the unveiling of Sirius Jet, Sirius Aviation AG announces its partnership with BMW Group’s Designworks, Sauber Group, which is renowned for its Formula 1 works, Alfleth Engineering AG, and ALD Group. 

bmw sirius jet hydrogen powered vtol aircraft
the hydrogen-powered VTOL aircraft co-designed by BMW’s Designworks comes in business and commercial versions

bmw sirius jet hydrogen powered vtol aircraft
Sirius Jet is set to take flight in 2025

bmw sirius jet hydrogen powered vtol aircraft
aerial view of Sirius Business Jet


close-up view of Sirius Business Jet, which can host up to 3 passengers

bmw sirius jet hydrogen powered vtol aircraft
Sirius Jet, a hydrogen VTOL aircraft co-designed by BMW’s Designworks, has 28 ducted fans

bmw sirius jet hydrogen powered vtol aircraft
each ducted fan is driven by its own electric motor

bmw sirius jet hydrogen powered vtol aircraft
view of the Sirius Millenium Jet for commercial flights


BMW’s Designworks co-designed Sirius Jet, a hydrogen-powered VTOL aircraft

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