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orange, aloe vera, and plant seeds make up o-sow biodegradable toilet paper alternative

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O-SOW proposes sustainable toilet paper alternatives


O-SOW by Avia Revivi is a sustainable biodegradable toilet paper substitute, made from orange, aloe vera leaves, and plant seeds. Intended for hikers who want to make a difference in the field of sustainability, the product adopts a preventive waste hierarchy that includes the complete cycle – production, use, and disposal. The use of the product sets in motion a sowing and fertilization process of various plant seeds incorporated in O-SOW. The product biodegrades quickly thanks to the decomposition of the orange and the active E. coli bacteria in the feces.

orange, aloe vera, and plant seeds make up o-sow biodegradable toilet paper alternative
all images courtesy of Avia Revivi



the project attends to sustainability and ergonomics


O-SOW, made from squeezed citrus residues and plant seeds, is a sustainable alternative to toilet paper that biodegrades rapidly. The product leaves zero waste behind and, under optimal conditions, even nourishes the soil and growing plants. It is designed for travelers who choose to make a difference in sustainability and prefer to sow and fertilize the earth rather than leave human waste behind. It biodegrades within three to five days due to the rapid decomposition of the citrus, aided by the presence of active E. coli bacteria, which are found in human feces and accelerate the composting process. O- SOW utilizes an additional characteristic found in human waste, soil enrichment. Within O-SOW, seeds of different plants are woven, and with the help of nutrient-rich waste, natural seeding occurs simply through its use.


Users can choose a package with different seeds to tailor the seeding to their specific travel area and not disrupt the ecological system. The designer opts for the specific circular shape of O-SOW after examining various forms of the most efficient and convenient wiping method. The shape was selected based on its length suitable for each hand, width that allows for dual wiping, and a handle that symbolizes ergonomics.

orange, aloe vera, and plant seeds make up o-sow biodegradable toilet paper alternative
the sheets can be customized to suit specific requirements, ranging from thickness to strength to softness



biodegradable sheets are stored within a parachute fabric case


The material from which O-SOW is made can present potential for various applications. Initially conceptualized as an eco-friendly alternative to toilet paper, its qualities encompass strength, flexibility, waterproofing, softness, rapid dissolution, edibility, and the ability to liquefy in water. The material’s properties can be customized to suit specific requirements, ranging from thickness to strength to softness.


Packaged in biodegradable paper, O-SOW offers single-use convenience. A tear thread facilitates opening, revealing the sheets within, while a label denotes the seed type and sheet count. After tearing, the sheets are stored within a protective case, crafted from residual parachute fabric. This case, designed to preserve sheet moisture and prevent drying, is a one-time purchase that can be refilled as needed. The case boasts a covered opening with a polyplex layer that ensures easy and friction-based sheet extraction, allowing individual retrieval without pulling them out collectively.

orange, aloe vera, and plant seeds make up o-sow biodegradable toilet paper alternative
the product biodegrades due to the rapid decomposition of the citrus, aided by active E. coli bacteria

orange, aloe vera, and plant seeds make up o-sow biodegradable toilet paper alternative
the product is designed for travelers who attend to a sustainable and zero-waste lifestyle

orange, aloe vera, and plant seeds make up o-sow biodegradable toilet paper alternative
the case is designed to preserve sheet moisture and prevent drying


the sheets remain protected in a case made of residual parachute fabric

orange, aloe vera, and plant seeds make up o-sow biodegradable toilet paper alternative
O- SOW’s circular shape is the result of various examinations of the most efficient wiping method


O-SOW rapidly biodegrades within three to five days leaving zero waste behind


squeezed citrus residues and plant seeds compose the sustainable alternative to toilet paper
squeezed citrus residues and plant seeds compose the sustainable alternative to toilet paper
the case boasts a covered opening with a polyplex layer that ensures easy and friction-based sheet extraction
the case boasts a covered opening with a polyplex layer that ensures easy and friction-based sheet extraction
a tear thread facilitates opening, revealing the sheets within, while a label denotes the seed type and sheet count
a tear thread facilitates opening, revealing the sheets within, while a label denotes the seed type and sheet count

project info:


name: O-SOW
designer: Avia Revivi | @aviarevivi



designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: christina vergopoulou | designboom

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