geometric design of hydrogen-powered peugeot replicates creases of folded paper

geometric design of hydrogen-powered peugeot replicates creases of folded paper

Student-designed peugeot ‘No Concept’


Automotive design student Zhe Huang has designed his own rendition of a hydrogen-fueled Peugeot based on the creases of folding paper. The sharp folds, tips, and edges of folded paper toy with Huang’s imagination and gives him the spring to sketch and render his concept Peugeot ‘No Concept’ car design with pure, minimal, and clean cuts.


Smooth surfaces follow through as the metallic shade of blue cloaks the car’s exterior, glistening against the sunlight and creating a more visually integrated look. Geometric cutting, combination, and twisting are the main elements of Huang’s non-electric Peugeot. ‘Through extreme geometric modeling, the body is given a unique sense of volume,’ says the student designer.

hydrogen peugeot
images courtesy of Zhe Huang



Tinted glass replaces the roof


Glazing at the tires, Zhe Huang says he pulls his inspiration for his Peugeot ‘No Concept’ through the contrast and flow of natural light and shadow. Through this approach, he spins the creation of a smooth and flow-like surface underscored by the concepts of positive and negative areas through the interplay of silver, gray, and black glints that depend on the brush of the light.


Looking from above, Huang seems to top the car’s roof with an oblong tinted glass that replicates the shape of a kayak. He might also carve a dedicated sunroof for the car concept, and the tint is both dark and visible enough to offer privacy to the driver and passengers while still being able to see through the interior design.

hydrogen peugeot



Standing before the hydrogen-fueled Peugeot, the rear design captures a supercharged car blasting from its speed through the jutted, pointed plane of the trunk. The design may help the hydrogen fuel amp up the vehicle’s cruising performance. Huang thinks that hydrogen-fueled cars use cleaner energy and are more environmentally friendly compared to traditional fuel-based vehicles.


His decision to inject hydrogen for his Peugeot ‘No Concept’ idea is derived from personal observation coupled with his desire to conceive a car that he feels is more convenient and powerful than electric vehicles. ‘Hydrogen-powered vehicles will be the development trend of future vehicles,’ says the student designer.

hydrogen peugeot hydrogen peugeot

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